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Service Opportunities
Updated 1/3/25
Contact Information
If you would you like to fill an open service position and you have at least six months to one-year continuous sobriety (depending on role), Please go to the meeting that you would like to participate in and put your name in the hat!
If you would like to add a meeting to the fellowship roster, either in-person or on-line, and have 6 months or more sobriety, please come to the business meeting and present your proposal for approval so we can add it to the calendars.
In-Person meeting coordinators:
Ren H. 415-710-9875 (Please text)
Ron 415-756-1017 (Please text)
Online meeting coordinator:
Nancy KD 510-882-0538 (Please text)
For host access codes, text: Nancy KD 510-882-0538 or Stephen M. 415-425-4866
District service positions available - DCMs, Accessibilities Chair, BTG Chair, Intergroup liaison. please contact Vilma 708-699-7394 for more information.
In-Person Meetings
Secretaries needed:
Sunday - 7AM meditation
Monday - 7AM meditation
Wednesday - 7AM - 12&12
Thursday - 7AM - Big Book
Online Meetings
host and/or secretary needed:
- 7AM meditation - host
- 7 PM speaker - host
- 7 PM Speaker - host
- 4 PM Artists & Writers - host
Friday - 7AM Speaker - host
- 7 AM meditation - host and secretary
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