Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of people who share their experiences, strength, and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism.
In-Person* Meeting Schedule
1744 University Ave, Fellowship Hall, Berkeley
Mask Requirements were decided by group conscience. Masks are optional at all in person meetings.
7:00 AM Meditation
5:15 PM 12 & 12 Study
7:00 PM Speaker
7:00 AM Living Sober
5:15 PM Speaker
7:00 AM 12 & 12 Study
5:15 PM Living Sober
7:00 AM Big Book Study
5:15 PM Big Book
7:00 PM Speaker
7:00 AM Speaker
5:15 PM Big Book
7:00 PM Speaker
7:00 PM Birthday Chip Meeting (only last Friday of every month)
9:00 PM Discussion​
7:00 AM Meditation
11:00 AM Weekend Warriors (women and female identifying)
5:15 PM Living Sober
7:00 PM Speaker
5:15 PM Secular Meeting
7:30 PM Speaker
*If you would like to add a meeting to the fellowship roster, either in-person or on-line, and have 6 months or more of sobriety, then please come to the business meeting and present your proposal for approval so we can add it to the calendars.
On-Line Meeting* Schedule
7 AM Meditation / Came to Believe
Meeting ID: 846 1503 1166
Meeting ID: 884 2063 7962
Meeting ID: 846 1503 1166
Meeting ID: 823 1030 0285
Meeting ID: 884 2063 7962
Meeting ID: 846 1503 1166
Meeting ID: 823 1030 0285
Meeting ID: 884 2063 7962
Meeting ID: 846 1503 1166
Meeting ID: 891 2098 5629
Meeting ID: 858 2033 7524
Meeting ID: 884 2063 7962
Meeting ID: 846 1503 1166
Meeting ID: 884 2063 7962
Meeting ID: 846 1503 1166
1st Saturday of the Month ONLY
Meeting ID: 859 1246 4634
Meeting ID: 823 1030 0285
Meeting ID: 891 2098 5629
Meeting ID: 884 2063 7962
Meeting ID: 846 1503 1166​
7 PM Language of the Heart Book Study - Candlelight
Meeting ID: 884 2063 7962​
*If you would like to add a meeting to the fellowship roster, either in-person or on-line, and have 6 months or more of sobriety, then please come to the business meeting and present your proposal for approval so we can add it to the calendars.